Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 11: 3 reasons to get out of bed tomorrow...

There are tons of reasons to get out of bed tomorrow...But I am going to list the ones that make me the most excited!

1.) There is a give away over at heart handmade...I have my eye on the journal!

2.) My Sisters Birthday is on Saturday and I have just the gift for her.  (Since she doesn't read my blog I feel safe letting you in on my surprise!)  She has had her eyes on this cookbook.  I am going to head out tomorrow and get it for her.

3.) I am also going to go out and grab a book to read for the summer. (As luck would have it, I got into the math class that I needed... so my Summer break is all of one week!)  I am undecided on what to delve into.  Any suggestions?

I would say those are some pretty good reasons to get out of bed tomorrow!

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