Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 21: I Can't believe that I...

... called the cops on someone else's neighbors!

Here's the scene: Kay was house sitting for our pastor...Kristin, myself, and another Kaylin were over to keep her company.  We were watching a movie (I forget which one...I want to say something with Johnny Depp, but this was a few years ago)...its dark.... we hear somebody trying to break into the house next door...

We are freaking out! The "burglars" have dark clothes on with hood, and they are trying to open the side door.  We call the cops.  A few minutes later we look out the front window.  There are all these cops combing the neighbor hood...jumping over things...looking incognito.  Then we hear..."Drop your tool!  Drop your tool!" Other commotion...then we come to find out that these people actually lived there.  Oops!  But I mean...come on...who would look so suspicious with hoods up trying to get into their own house?  After the cops left, we heard them complaining that we called the cops on them.  Better safe than sorry I suppose! 

This is one of my favorite memories.


Unknown said...

lol... i nearly phoned the police last night on noisey students. They had a dog locked in a car making lots of noise. I just kept shoutin shutup at the window. My bf was laughing at me.. i was very sleepy but very annoyed at the noise!!

I almost called the cops on my bfs neighbour breaking into his own house.. it was sunny outside so we just went out and sat on the wall watching him to put him off burgularising the place - just incase lol we werent sure he lived there :p

Steph Kunze said...

Haha!!! I wish I was there! That's soo funny!

The Brook's said...

I almost forgot about this story, Great times!! ♥