Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What makes for a horrible morning?

Is it from waking up at 4 a.m?
Is it waking up from sleeping on the couch?
Is it realizing that your work clothes are still hanging up outside from the laundry?
Is it noticing last minute that someone didn't replace the toilet paper?
Is it seeing only a few inches from you a huge black widow?
It was the scariest thing of my life (O.K. I'm being melodramatic) but it still was really scary!
And what was a girl to do? I thought about leaving a note for someone to come kill it once the rest of the house woke up for the morning, but then I was worried that it would be gone, and then I would have to live a paranoid life wondering where it was. So, the solution I found was to wake up (Enter Superhero Music HERE) my MOM! I felt so bad, but it was absolutely necessary. So she definitely killed that incredibly scary spider. (I'm sorry Mrs. Black Widow, but you had to die). But now, I am living a paranoid life that somewhere in the bathroom there are more breeding! Oh well, I guess I will have to be more aware in these early mornings, you never know what will JUMP out at you!


Kaylyn Machelle said...


The Brook's said...

What am I suppose to do I don't have my mommy to the rescue at my house... =( Can you I please call Mary the Marvelous?!?!

Jorden said...

Was it really scarier than the huge spider we trapped in the bathroom sink at the cabin??

Katie Michelle said...

Mmmm...Jor you raise a good point but, I'm going to have to say yes! Because A.) I was the one to discover it B.) I was alone and C.) it was poisonous!!!! lol but that other spider was scary too!

Kris--My mom will kill any spider and where! haha

marycpnp said...

Just doing the Lord's work is all I can say. I figure that if a spider is in my house then the Lord must want them dead. lol.